Ozone Therapy & Insufflations

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Ozone Therapy/Insufflations in Atlanta

Ozone therapy is a versatile, powerful and natural therapy that helps almost any problematic condition in the body. From general health maintenance to major chronic illnesses, ozone therapy for many patients is the turning point in their health. Ozone has been used in other countries for many years and has a nearly perfect safety profile. There are thousands of published papers in medical literature showing its ability to kill viruses, fungi and bacteria.  In this age of pandemic viruses and antibiotic resistant superbugs, ozone should be integrated into our health regimens as there are no resistant organisms noted to date.

BOOO (Breathing Treatment) | $35

Sinus Insufflation | $25

Ear Insufflation | $25

Ear Insufflation, Sinus & BOOO | $79

Rectal and Vaginal Insufflation | $89

Member Pricing All Types of Insufflation | $75




“If nature designed a single antidote to illness, it is probably ozone. If there is a natural performance enhancer and tonic to support healthy cell function, then that is also ozone.”

-Dr. Frank Shallenberger, M.D., HMD, ABAAM


 BOOO (Breathing Treatment)

Ozone in it’s pure undiluted form is an irritant to the lungs. When filtered through extra virgin olive oil not only does the ozone retain it’s benefits but additional terpenes are created. This provides anti-microbial & anti-inflammatory benefits! These medicinal terpenes are healthy for the lungs,  sinuses and even the brain tissue! Great for allergies and brain fog!

All Types of Insufflation

Ear Insufflation: Helps all conditions of the ear! Helps with tinnitus, vertigo, swimmer’s ear, otitis media (ear infection), and brain fog!

Sinus Insufflation: Helps with allergies, sinus infections and chronic sinus conditions.

Vaginal and Rectal Insufflation : Helps with colon, rectal and liver disorders. Helps with Pelvic issues, vaginal and cervical infections, reproductive issues (PCOS, PID, Prostatitis)  bladder infections (IC), chronic infections, candida overgrowth, intestinal problems (IBS, Crohn’s, UC, cancer), headaches, sinus problems, vertigo, swimmers’ ear, tinnitus, skin conditions, and post-surgical sites. 



Ozone: The Basics

Ozone is oxygen in an allotropic form, which means the oxygen molecule is in its most active state and therefore provides a more abundant supply to cells.

Ozone is produced naturally through flashes of lightning, as well as photochemical reactions of UV light on atmospheric oxygen. Nature’s purpose in this production of ozone is air purification, and destruction of organic decay that disease, germs and bacteria thrive upon. Ozone, like oxygen, functions as a healthful gas. The difference is ozone provides more antiseptic, germicidal and oxidizing power.

Ozone is considered among the most useful and energetic agents recognized by science. Its therapeutic possibilities are attributed to its ability to provide blood oxygenation through the extra molecule of oxygen found in the O3 compound known as free radical. The extra oxygen molecule is transported to organs and tissues to be absorbed, which oxidizes waste, and facilitates its removal. Specifically, ozone boosts metabolism without expending vital energy. The fact is that ozone is a natural remedy.



Oxygen performs an essential role in preserving health of the body. Oxygen along with glucose are the principal nutrients every cell needs to produce energy for all its life processes. These functions involve molecule transportation, chemical compound synthesis and mechanical operations like contraction of muscles. Numbering in the thousands, these functions are occurring at all times, which enable the body to pump blood, fight infections, digest food, and process neural information.

Oxygen is an essential structural element of organic materials used as essential nutrients by the body, such as fatty acids and vitamins. Oxygen also fills a critical role in waste removal. As people get older, their bodies become less efficient at extracting oxygen and delivering it to the cells. Cumulative effects of poor oxygenation is a reduction in the movement of nutrients to tissues, impairment of essential chemical reactions and resultant deficiency diseases. A wealth of oxygen facilitates health and wellness and oxygen deficiency leads to illness.

Ozone and the Need for Oxygen

Respiration processes cause waste products to be subjected to interactions with oxygen in the air. The result is these waste products are burned off in a similar fashion to being placed in a stove, which produces body heat. In the human body, this heat is constantly being produced by way of chemical reactions between carbon and oxygen.

Once the blood acquires adequate oxygen to combine with the carbon, CO2 (carbon dioxide) is formed, which the body then considers to be suitable for elimination. The oxidation process is completed, body temperature is maintained at 98.6° F, organs function properly, and the whole system can resist toxic influences of behavioral choices, microbes and the environment.

However, when the blood receives an insufficient amount of oxygen, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed. Carbon Monoxide is not readily eliminated and presents a troublesome and poisonous influence. Carbon monoxide acts as a deoxidizer. It is an irritant to the body’s organs, which lowers body temperature below normal, creating a diseased state that is incapable of resisting bacteria, viruses and other environmental toxins. Subnormal temperature is prevalent among people who are exhausted or run down, and can be detected in nine out of every ten of these patients by a thermometer.

Possessing sufficient levels of oxygen for the blood results in better blood, improved circulation, increased assimilation, balanced equilibrium of body temperature, greater vasomotor activity, more effective digestion, more efficient elimination of waste, lower chance of toxemia/autointoxication, and reduced opportunity for infection and disease.

Analytical disease investigations have demonstrated among the most important factors a person can correct is weakness produced by a diminished blood supply. Under oxidation produces poor health mainly because a lack of oxygen almost always results in formation of carbon monoxide. The reputation of carbon monoxide is as de-oxidizer, destroyer of hemoglobin and irritant toxin that devitalizes the blood and paves the way for acute problems, which often become chronic.

Implications of Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy has been used successfully in Europe for many years. Basically, oxygen therapy is classified depending on the kind of chemical reaction involved: Oxygenation will involve adding oxygen to blood or tissues, while oxidation entails the transferring oxygen electrons.

Oxygenation therapy saturates the body with oxygen. Oxygen is absolutely essential for the cells, tissues, organs and biological functions of the body. Oxygen is necessary for good health, but too little can boost the development of harmful bacteria along with viruses, and too much could harm tissue that is healthy. Oxygen therapy absolutely requires the instruction and expertise of a trained practitioners.


An assortment of disorders such as stress, illness, poor diet, shallow breathing and insufficient lung performance can all result in oxygen depletion throughout the body. This allows disease-causing microbes that flourish in low-oxygen conditions to multiply, negatively impacting your wellness. Studies have even suggested that low oxygen concentrations in the blood can be a factor adding to premature aging. The work of Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel laureate, reveals that a shortage of oxygen on a cellular level could possibly be a major contributor to cancer. His experiments using tissue cultures demonstrated that oxygen therapy can certainly destroy cancer cells.

Oxygen therapy seeks to rebuild optimal cell function. Oxygen therapy can be clinically administered in several ways: intravenously, intra-arterially, orally, vaginally, rectally, or through skin injection. Oxidation therapy is quite different than oxygen therapy. Oxidation represents a chemical reaction whereby electrons are shifted between different molecules. Oxygen molecules are usually needed for these reactions, but not necessarily. The electron donating molecule is recognized as oxidized, while the receiving molecule is called oxidant.

Oxidation occurs naturally and is a necessary operation of the body, however the body’s oxidative ability may be destabilized by exposure to stress and toxins. Using oxidation treatments can kick start the human body’s natural oxidative systems, while eradicating disease-producing microbes, bacteria, and viruses. Oxidative therapies also function to deactivate harmful substances, while healthy tissues remain uneffected. For example, when topical applications of hydrogen peroxide are made to wounds, the healthy cells blossom while pathogens and bacteria perish. Hydrogen peroxide as well as ozone are commonly used for oxidation therapy.

Ozone therapy is distinctive because it is equally oxidative and oxygenating. The secret is contained in ozone molecules. Where by oxygen is made up of 2 oxygen molecules or O2, ozone consists of 3 oxygen molecules or O3, making it substantially less stable. The added oxygen molecule of ozone means that it is much more reactive than normal oxygen and will readily enter into oxidative chemical reactions. During the oxidation process, ozone’s extra oxygen molecule is released to bond to another molecule. This leaves a ordinary O2 molecule, which results in increased oxygen in blood, tissues and organs.

Ozone is actually anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal in function. Therefore, it is effective in treating a variety of health concerns including burns, slow-healing wounds, skin ulcers, chronic infections, and viruses. Ozone treatments are administered using many different techniques: topically, subcutaneously and intravenously are all popular. When water is enhanced with ozone, it can also be presented orally, rectally and vaginally. Due to the fact that ozone is harmful when inhaled, only a trained specialist should administered the treatment. Research indicates that consuming vitamin C supplements together with ozone therapy can be necessary to minimize uncontrolled oxidation that can be unsafe.

Oxygen and ozone therapy both have robust, health supporting results for many individuals. The broad range of health troubles that may be overcome by these remedies may indicate they are due for a resurgence in recognition.


History of Ozone

Ozone (O3) is formed when the oxygen atoms (O2) are split and then recombined into a triplet molecule. When an energetic force, such as electricity or ultraviolet light is imposed upon a molecule of O2, the two oxygen atoms are temporarily split apart into two single oxygen atoms. In a matter of nano seconds, these highly unstable oxygen atoms will pair up again and reform back into O2 molecules. But a small percentage of them will unite in a triplet formation known as ozone.

When we use ozone in the human body, it immediately interacts with the tissues to form peroxides, which Doctors refer to as ozonides. These ozonides can last in the body from days to weeks and continue to exert their effects long after the treatment session. Ozone never produces free radicals in the body.

Ozone therapy is not a new alternative medicine. In fact, one of its most appealing aspects regarding medical use, is its remarkably long history in the world of medicine.

Ozone was first discovered in 1785 by Dutch physicist Martinez Van Marum. While working with electrostatic machines, he noticed a peculiar odor that was being generated by the equipment. The electrical charges he was working with were reacting with the room air to produce ozone. Years later, in 1840, German chemist Christian Friedrich Schonbein synthesized ozone in his laboratory and was able to describe exactly what it was. “The production of ozone by chemical means.” Liebig, a collaborator of his, suggested the term “ozonated oxygen” because in Greek, Ozien means “smelling gas”. These scientists immediately recognized they had discovered something unique and powerful.

It didn’t take long for doctors and scientists to realize that ozone had many medical applications including water sterilization and its use as a potent anti-microbial agent. In 1881, ozone began to be used as a disinfectant. Throughout the next 100 years, it continued to be studied and used in many applications, including dentistry. Nikola Tesla’s ozone company was the first to manufacture ozone generators for medical use. He was also the first to develop ozonated olive oil. It was also used during times of war to treat infected wounds, frostbite and gangrene.

In the past 30 years, more than 2500 papers on the medical use of ozone have been published in peer reviewed medical and scientific journals. You can access these articles by visiting www.aaot.us

So, you can see that just because the medical use of ozone is relatively unknown here in the United States, it is not because there is not a rich history for its use. Some of the brightest medical and scientific minds of all time have highlighted this amazing therapy.


Ozone Therapy is not FDA approved and is not an exact science. No guarantees can be made as to the outcome of your care, examination, and/or treatment(s) at PulsedOzone Cellular Solutions. We cannot claim cures.

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