Learn More about DermaPlaning Facials

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What is DermaPlaning?


DermaPlaning is most often used on patients with rough, dry skin, superficial hyperpigmentation, mild acne scarring, or fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment results in a more refined, smooth, “glowing” appearance.

DermaPlaning is a safe when properly performed and highly effective physical exfoliation procedure. It involves use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently “shave” the skin’s surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair (also called “peach fuzz”).

DermaPlaning can be performed monthly, in less than thirty minutes, with little downtime post-treatment. DermaPlaning is only performed on the face; however, it is not meant to be used to shape eyebrows, which are made up of “terminal” (not vellus) hairs. The nose area is also avoided.

Benefits of DermaPlaning

Physical exfoliation triggers the cell regeneration process and allows facial products to better penetrate the skin. While some practitioners perform a chemical peel post-DermaPlaning. We don’t recommend this, especially if you’ve never had either treatment before or have sensitive skin.

DermaPlaning is also excellent to rid the face of excess fine hairs which can often accumulate dirt and oil. Contrary to popular belief, vellus hairs, as opposed to terminal hair, tend not to grow back thicker or darker. Microdermabrasion, which also physically exfoliates skin, does not remove the majority of vellus hair. Exfoliation of dead cells along with removal of fine hairs results in healthier, brighter skin with a smoother look and feel.

Potential Benefits:


  • Minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces appearance of hyper-pigmentation, stimulates circulation and improves hydration
  • Encourages normal shedding (desquamation) of stratum corneum (outermost layer of the epidermis, consisting of dead skin cells)
  • Can be used with meso therapy, micro current and other facial treatments (if not contraindicated)