Dr. Victor Zeines D.D.S, MS, FAGD 2011 Lecture

What Your Teeth Can Tell You

The Body Mouth Connection

We have always known that protecting the health of gums will help patients to keep not just their teeth, but their life.

There is an increasing body of support for the multiple connections between oral health and total wellness. Unhealthy gum tissue leads to chronic infection and inflammation. When inflammation is controlled, patients and physicians have a chance at controlling everything from heart disease to diabetes to successful pregnancy.

The mouth is a reflection of the body’s health.
A study from the Michigan School of Dentistry associates poor dental health with “early death from any cause.”
Loesche W. 1997. Associations of the oral flora with important medical diseases. Current Opinion Periodontal 4:21-8.

Premature, Low-birth Weight Babies
At the University of Alabama, researcher Marjorie Jeffcoat recently discovered that among 120 women in rural Alabama, those with dental infections were three times more likely to have premature, low-birth weight babies than women with healthy teeth and gums.
Pediatric Dentistry 21 109-13 April 1999


If your gums are infected, you triple your risk of having a stroke, according to a 1998 study of 166 victims done at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
Arnin Grau, M.D., University of Heidelberg, Germany discovered that stroke patients are three times more likely to have periodontal infections.

“In stroke cases, only the dental factor is causative and significant.”
Grau et al. 1997. Association between acute cerebrovascular ischemia and chronic and recurrent infection. Journal Stroke (9)1724-9.

In yet another study conducted at the University of Buffalo, researchers surveyed the health history of 9,982 people from 25 to 75 and found that the 35% with severe gum disease were twice as likely to have a stroke.


Heart Disease
A study by the University of Buffalo, the same bacteria causing those gum problems end up either directly infecting your heart arteries or somehow causing other blockages.

A study at the University of Minnesota in 1998 showed that by injecting rabbits with tooth plaque bacteria, caused blood clots which lead to heart attacks.

Patients between the ages 30-40 who showed evidence of bone loss around teeth were 50% more likely to have a coronary heart problem.

Fatal heart disease was twice as common in those with periodontal infection.

Haraszthy et al. 1999. Identification of periodontal pathogens in atheromatous plaques. J. Periodontol 2000 71(10): 1554-60.al
Wu T. 2000. Periodontal disease and risk of cerebrovascular disease: the first national health and nutrition examination survey and its follow-up study. American Journal of Epidemiology 151: 273-282.


Periodontal disease is a risk factor for prostate cancer and probably breast cancer as well as many other cancers.

Chronic Inflammation
American Heart Association meeting in 1994: Dr. Alan Fogleman gave a key note speech stating that the underlying cause of ALL Arterial Disease is CHRONIC INFLAMMATION.

Chronic inflammation is the fundamental defect.

Chronic inflammation underlies any chronic disease.

Inflammation gets involved in four different things:
1. Inflammation is how we fight infections
2. How we fight cancer
3. How we repair
4. How we get rid of toxins

But there is a difference between healthy and unhealthy inflammation.

Periodontal disease is really dysbiosis of the mouth.

Underlying Cause
In getting rid of the infection—may still have the underlying cause. Glucose intolerance and insulin resistance sets the stage for infection. It makes it easier for bacteria to grow. It results in anaerobic metabolism which bacteria love. Sugar heroin to them. They have a big party and the toxins they produce destroy tissue.

Systemic Risks from the Oral Bacteria
Risks from Oral BacteriaIn getting your teeth cleaned, bacteria will enter the blood stream. This is called bacteremia.
These bacteria can settle out and grow in blood vessels, heart valves, the heart, and many other tissues in the body. Infections in the mouth can lead to systemic problems.
But the entire medical profession and the dental profession ignores it!

The conditions for infection and growth of bacteria:
Acid condition—leads to anaerobic metabolism BURNS SUGAR – 4 ATP
Anaeroic environment
Continual sugar exposure
Bacteria must cling

Bacteria secrete a surgery substance {mucopolysaccharide} similar to what barnacles secrete to attach to piers, boats, and whales.

It does this with toxins and enzymes that dissolve our tissues. This also destroys the fibers in the connective tissue.

Now the gum tissue is no longer able to remain tight against the tooth and the suclus widens.

Perio Pocket

It will also bleed.

When you floss your teeth and you get blood on the floss this is what is happening.

Example of Bacteria Clinging to a Barrier System
Bladder infections and how the cranberry juice actually works. It blocks the enzymes the bacteria make to cling to the bladder wall surface.

Drugs can cause swelling of tissues.


Calcium channel blockers for high BP and Angina

Calcium Channel Blockers
25% of millions of people who take them have inflammation and a widened sulcus. This increases the risk to heart disease through a new and different mechanism. This drives arterial disease and risk to heart attack by enlarging the sulcus, the super highway for bacteria to enter the gums, becoming the reservoir of bacteria that:

Eventually enter the bloodstream

Get into arteries

Infect the arteries and drive arterial disease, heart disease, stroke, and inflammation

Window to the Body
Diabetes is a condition of anaerobic metabolism

Causes tissues in the mouth to swell

Decrease in blood flow

Can be seen in all distal end points of circulation

At the gum line

Diabetes drives infection in the sulcus which leads to heart disease

Insulin resistance does the same thing

IR and Diabetes are diseases of inflammation

This is why they make cholesterol go up

Cancer Cells
Pathogen that breaks down fibers in the connective tissue to invade the body at a deeper level and spread. Cancer cells break down connective tissue and head for the blood stream.

Handle pH

Handle the sugar-carb source

Hinders the bacteria

Shifts to aerobic metabolism-lose their hold on the tissue

C-Reactive Protein
Medical researchers now think that periodontal disease is related to increased levels of C-Reactive Protein.

Toxins, which are generated as waste by periodontal bacteria get into the blood and trigger the liver to make more C-Reactive Protein.

Studies have shown that those with moderate or advanced perio disease have much higher levels of C-Reactive Protein than those that do not have periodontal disease.

Chronic Inflammation anywhere in the body compromises the rest of the body.
Only One Disease : Stress
But there are many stressors

Dental Stress Syndrome
Toxic Fillings: Mercury
Other Heavy Metals: Pt, Ni and Uranium (DU)
Galvanic Reaction—Dissimilar Metals
Tooth Organ Connections
Infections: Perio, Root Canals Cavitations
TMJ and Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction
Dysfunctional Bite, Occlusion and Swallowing
Sympathetic Stress—Mastication and HCL
Emotional Stress—Grinding and Clenching Teeth
Chemical: Sugar and HFCS Kills Everything and
Drives it in the Wrong Direction

Dental Medicine
The truth is the mouth is often the most neglected area by health care professionals including dentists. The mouth is the first place you can take control of your health and do something about it. You cannot leave the mouth out of the wellness equation. Dr. Mayo claims 80% of all disease.

At the beginning of your walk…
Getting about 1 tenth of the way down the block, electromagnetic changes start to occur. These continue as you walk down the block.

When you get about a third down the block, these changes can start to influence your immune system…
As this occurs and you walk slightly further, chemical changes are starting to occur. These changes allow bacteria and viruses to begin to invade the system.

You’re a little over half way down the block and are feeling fine but change is happening. At this point your tongue color is changing and other subtle problems are occurring. You are probably not feeling anything at this point.

You’re now a little over three quarters down the block and may be feeling some discomfort. Changes in your tongue color are evident and blood chemistry changes will probably show if you were to get a blood test at this time.

By the time you get to the end of the block, you are in a dis-ease state and are seeing your physician who has given you some antibiotics or other drug to kill the bacteria or viruses and further alter your chemistry.

Food and natural substances would have been and still are a better way to bring the body back to balance.

The Role of Fiber
Dietary fiber is that component of some foods (whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits and nuts) that is not digested or broken down in the GI tract.

It adds bulk to the stool and facilitates its blood sugar levels by delaying sugar absorption. It also binds with cholesterol and bile salts (derived from cholesterol) and may thereby reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Types of Fiber: Soluble fiber is partially broken down in the colon. Insoluble fiber passes through the colon without being changed.

Early Humans and Their Diet
Homo sapiens first appeared between 300,000 and 10,000 years ago.
Same diet as Homo erectus- improving huntingmethods.
Cooked foods ie meat becoming more important.
Plant food continued to predominate in their diet, but fishing techniques also appeared.
10,000 years ago-cereals become much more prominent.
First time in human history-food surpluses and the population thrived.
Dietary bulk and roughage were still very high in the diet. At the same time malnutrition and starvation occurred.

Price Weston DDS “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” Price Pottenger Foundation 1939
Wurtman Richard MD “Nutrition and The Brain” Vol 1 raven press 1977 pgs 1-86
Cordain Loren PhD The Paleo Diet Wiley 2002

Characteristics of Traditional Diets
Some animal protein
Fat from fish and other seafood; water and land fowl
Land animals; eggs
Milk and milk products
Reptiles; and insects
Some animal products are eaten raw
High food-enzyme content
Raw dairy products
Raw meat and fish
Raw honey
Tropical fruits, cold-pressed oils, wine and unpasteurized beer, and naturally preserved, lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages, meats and condiments

Wurtman Richard MD “Nutrition and The Brain” Vol 1 raven press 1977 pgs 1-86
Cordain Loren PhD The Paleo Diet Wiley 2002

Seeds, grains -soaked, sprouted, fermented or naturally –neutralize antinutrients -, phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors, tannins and complex carbohydrates
Total fat content of traditional diets varies from 30% to 80% higher in colder climates
Grains, nuts, fish, animal fats and vegetables
Traditional diets –equal amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 essential fatty acids
All primitive diets contain some salt
Traditional cultures gelatin-rich bone broths
Traditional cultures provide special nutrient-rich foods for parents-to-be, pregnant women and growing children
Protein is least available in fruits and most available in insects and animals
Insects, particularly larvae contain more that 50% of unsaturated fat. Termites are an excellent source of protein
Sugars the most easily digested carbohydrates are highest in fruits
Minerals are more abundant in plant food expect for phosphorus which is more abundant in insects

Wurtman Richard MD “Nutrition and The Brain” Vol 1 raven press 1977 pgs 1-86

Humans spend only 35% extracting food compared to 70% for other primates
Cooking meat
Advantages-digestibility less time to utilize
Studies show eating fruit same as raw meat

Wurtman Richard MD “Nutrition and The Brain” Vol 1 raven press 1977 pgs 1-86 National Geographic Series 2006 “The Emergence of Man”

Primitive Diet vs American Diet
FOUR times the calcium and other minerals

TEN times the fat soluble vitamins from animals fats

Wurtman Richard MD “Nutrition and The Brain” Vol 1 raven press 1977 pgs 1-86
Cordain Loren PhD The Paleo Diet Wiley 2002

Average American Diet
600 million Big Macs consumed at McDonalds each year
20 Billion Hot Dogs consumed each year
8 Billion chickens raised for food
127 chickens eaten every second
700 million pounds of peanut butter consumed each year. This is enough spread to cover the floor of the grand canyon.
1.5 thousand-the average number of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches eaten by U.S. children by the time they graduate high school
Proportion of teens that eat no grains 40%
16.9 lbs of potato chips eaten by the average American each year

NY Times Oct 20 2003

Research is beginning to confirm that even low-level electromagnetic radiation can negatively affect our DNA and cellular growth.

FACT: Sperm counts have been decreasing while cancers are increasing.
FACT: Life spans have increased (due to increased birth-survival rates and new surgical procedures) but quality of life has decreased significantly.
FACT: More people suffer from chronic pain, weaknesses, depression, fatigue and immune health disorders than ever before.

Those Sugar Blues
The USDA Human Nutrition Center reported that men drinking one can of soda per day absorbed less calcium and excreted more phosphorus.
Stevia- antibacterial and doesn’t cause a rise in blood glucose levels which, if unused will be stored as fat.

Obesity is the 6th major killer today!

Elton, Nancy “How Sweet it Is or Isn’t” Townsend Letter for Doctors 1992 497-499

Too Much Sugar
Each person consumes 500 bottles a year, or 1.5 bottles a day
There are 8 teaspoons of sugar in a can of soda
The average American eats 83 pounds of corn syrup a year, plus 66 pounds of sucrose which is 149lbs of refines sugars
Studies in Israel suggest that high levels of sugar can cause you to age more rapidly
Increased oxidation of their cell structures

Cordain Loren PhD “The Paleo Diet” Wiley 2002
Anon “Soft Drink Consumption Surpasses Water” Food Engeneering 58(8) 1986

Impair function of wbc’s for up to five hours
Interferes with the transport of vitamin C
Mineral imbalances and passable allergic reactions
Neutralizes the action of essential fatty acids

Holl M.G. et al “Sucrose Ingestion insulin response and mineral metabolism in humans” J nutr 117(7) 1987 1229-1233

Too Many Simple Carbohydrates
Sugars- are simple carbohydrates
Lacking in minerals
Metabolized, steal minerals from the body’s reserves
These minerals are best restored by eating fruits and vegetables, (complex carbohydrates)

Blach, Phyllis cnc and James M.D. Prescription for nutritional Healing third Ed. Avary 2000
Murray M ND Encyclopedia of National Medicine Prima 1991

Too Much Protein
Acidifies the body contains sulfur and phosphorus
Change into sulfuric and phosphoric acids
Deleting minerals
Impairs protein synthesis inside the cells
Lowers white blood cell production, which weakens the immune system

Page Melvin DDS, Your Body is Your best Doctor, Keats Pub 1972
McDougall John MD The Mc Dougall Plan new win 1983
Blanch James MD, Prescription for National Healing Avery 1997

Too Much Fat
All calories are not the same
Fat calories –different from protein or carbohydrates
9 calories/gm where protein and carbs have 4
To covert 100 fat calories to body fat use 2.4cal
To convert 100 protein or carbs use 23 calories
Usually only 1% of protein and carbs stored as body fat –energy wasteful store
Calories are stored energy fat 9 others 4

Brody J “Research Lifts Blame from Many of the Obese” The New York Times march 24 1987 sec c p1
Ornish Dean MD Eat More Weigh Less Quill2001

Not inert in beer belly and thighs
Active –makes hormones and immune-system messengers that effect the cardiovascular system, liver, pancreas and brain
“Fat cells are quite dynamic and hard at work” according to Allen Spiegel, director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Fat generated hormones like leptin
Regulating the body’s energy balance
Proteins that prompt inflammation are also produced by fat cells and seem to be implicated in causing cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes

Us News & World report Feb 9 2004 pg55

Today’s Food
All kinds of pollutants are getting into our food. The additives that food manufacturers use are enough to kill us. Their newly invented artificial compounds have almost completely unknown consequences for the biochemistry of the liver.

These compounds may be affecting our brain, nervous system, hormone, cardiovascular, and even immune systems. Although we do not know the long term effects, they are added to our foods, even baby food.

How Old is Your Food?
The average food source is usually about two weeks old
How many nutrients are in food that’s two weeks old?
About 30%

you are not what you eat, you are what you absorb.

Can Easily See
Check for acid pH—anaerobic
Free calcium
Free iron
Break down of connective tissue
Heavy metals and battery effect
Tongue diagnosis

Uterus and ovaries
Frontal Sinus

For problems with these teeth, supporting the adrenal glands can be very helpful. Take Adrenal extract 250-500mg, twice a day.

For kidney support, it’s important to drink enough water; 6-8 8oz glasses a day will help flush this organ.

Gall bladder
Pituitary Gland

The following liver/gallbladder flush could be helpful:
2 tablespoons of cold pressed olive oil
2 small or one large lemon, juiced
1 or 2 grapefruits, juiced
1 to 4 cloves of garlic
Dash of cayenne pepper

Large Intestine/Lung
Large intestine
Ileocecal region

A dietary analysis can be helpful to eliminate harmful foods.

Talk to your dentist about teeth with root canals.

You may need to stimulate your immune system.






Mammary glands
(breast cancer)


Recommended colonic therapy

Heart/Small Intestine

Blood Pressure

Blood Circulation



The Heart

Adrenal Glands

Detox alkaline diet advised

Tongue Chart

Tongue Systems

Body Color of Tongue

Normal tongue
Spirit- A healthy tongue has an “aliveness” to it
Color- should be vibrant, pale red, fresh looking
Body shape- supple, not stiff no cracks
Coating- thins and white coating should be slightly thicker on the root. Coating is part of the digestive process

As the tongue gets redder what was a mild is becoming worse. The redder the tongue the more problems present.

Blood stagnation is exactly what it sounds like. It is a circulatory disorder that can give rise to a variety of things such as pains that are sharp and fixed in location, chest pains, menstrual cramps, endometriosis, erectile dysfunction, benign or malignant tumors, fibrocystic tissue of the breast or uterus, etc. Physical trauma can cause blood stagnation too.

Pale or White
This is a lack of Yang or warmth in the body. Hypothyroid or other metabolic deficiency. Symptoms include cold hands and feet, diarrhea, frequent urination, impotence, lack of libido, and fatigue. Blood deficiency may or may not be synonymous with “anemia.” There can be a lack of red blood cells, neurotransmitters, and/or hormones. Symptoms associated with blood deficiency include dry eyes, dry and itchy skin, brittle nails, dizziness, insomnia, irregular periods or lack of periods.

Intestinal Toxemia
Generalized coating center thickening

Some spots (stagnation)

Beginning scalloping-mineral deficiencies

Usually these people are aware they have digestive issues

They will mention they “don’t feel good”

Immune response

Visit natdent.com to learn more from Dr. Zeines