Before, During and After Your Colon Hydrotherapy (Colonics) Session
Before Your Colonic Session:
Most people are a little uneasy before their first colonic, which is perfectly normal. To increase the benefits of your first session we recommend you do a few simple things:
- Twenty-four hours prior to your session and/or during consecutive colonic sessions, try to avoid gas producing, processed, refined and fast foods. (i.e. Broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and raw vegetables)
- Eat lightly two hours before your session (steamed vegetables, soups and fruit)
- Drink plenty of water to keep your colon hydrated (Good rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces)
- Abstain from consuming the following: wine, beer, hard liquor, ice cream, fried and high fat foods, salty or smoked foods, carbonated drinks, highly refined grains and flour products, white sugar (stops the detoxification process), any foods that are difficult for you to digest, chewing gum (stomach continues to release enzymes for food digestion, so gum can create gas)
The Importance of Water:
With two thirds of the earth’s surface covered by water and the human body consisting of 75 percent of it, it is evidently clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on earth. Hydration is an enormous factor in intestinal and immune health. We encourage our clients to drink plenty of water each day. The quantity is different for each person. The rule of thumb is to divide your body weight by 2 and drink that many ounces of water a day. Many diet drinks contain harmful toxins and we suggest herbal teas and raw juices instead. Water keeps us functioning, serves as a lubricant, forms the base for saliva, regulates our body temperature, forms the fluids surrounding our joints, helps alleviate constipation and regulates our metabolism. Water circulates through the land just as it does through the human body, transporting, dissolving, and replenishing nutrients and organic matter, while carrying away waste material.
During Your Colonic Session:
The hardest part is over, you’re here!
While on the LIBBE table we recommend you do the following:
- Relax and allow the water to gently flow in and out of your colon. This assists in hydration of your body and builds stronger peristalsis, the movement of wastes through body.
- Breathe slowly and deeply filling your lower abdomen with air. Relax and concentrate on your breathing.
- You are in control of your session at all times. If you need to discontinue your session simply turn off the water flow and call your therapist.
- You may feel some discomforts during your session, such as cramps, mild nausea or chills. These are completely normal and are more prevalent in those who are very toxic or constipated. Water flow adjustments and aroma therapies are used to alleviate these symptoms. Remember to relax.
- We store some of our emotions in our guts and you could experience them during the cleansing process. Relax and release these repressed thoughts and feelings.
- We have found allowing your colon to slowly fill with water and retaining that water as long you can before you release enables greater hydration, softening waste material for better elimination. Did we mention to relax?
The more water you hold, the more hydrated the system becomes and the better the release. You are going to repeat this process for approximately 45 minutes. While the water is infused into the large intestine, dislodging fecal matter, bacteria, mucus, and other toxins. After you are dressed your therapist will reenter the room with electrolytes for you. We will review your session, answer any questions, and make notes to chart your progression.
By the end of the 45-minute session, most of our clients express feeling like they’ve received an internal bath; cleansed and light. Some clients describe increased energy, clarity and a sense of wellbeing. Other clients express feeling fatigued or nauseated. This is because during the colonic you stir up toxins in the body and even though these symptoms may be uncomfortable it means the cleanse has gone well. The more you cleanse toxins from the body the less these symptoms become. This is why ACM highly suggests when you begin your cleansing program that you do two colonics within 48 hours or what we refer to as back to back.
After each session, the rectal tubing is disposed of and the colonic equipment is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected with hospital grade disinfectant in preparation for the next use.
Probiotics and Intestinal Flora:
As you cleanse, both good and bad bacteria are removed. It is important to replace your intestinal flora with Probiotics. They are the natural good bacterial inhabitants of the GI tract that will help maintain your gut wall and immune system. Many people do not realize antibiotics eliminate the good and the bad flora as well, and many of us have a history of antibiotic use. We offer top of the line Probiotics for purchase at Atlanta Colonic and Massage Spa, or you may take one of your choices, but we strongly encourage you to do this each day especially when participating in colonics.
Electrolytes: It is believed that cleansing your colon washes electrolytes from your system and you should make sure these minerals and trace elements are replaced. ACM provides electrolytes for you to take after a colonic and/or infrared session. We have found Selectrolytes, a pure electrolyte mixture works best for balancing out the important elements that help us function.
When Will I Eliminate Next? Some eliminate later in the day, but most do not eliminate again until the next day or a couple of days later. The majority of us do not have sufficient peristalsis or the natural expansion and contraction of the gut muscles. Colon hydrotherapy helps to stimulate and train peristaltic action so that you eliminate after every meal. The digestive system works with gravity. One meal pushes the next one around and eventually, you eliminate again. Sluggish peristalsis backs up the colon and causes it to become a storage tank rather than a pulsating muscle system working efficiently. If we eat 3-4 times a day, we should eliminate 2-3 times a day.
How Many Colonics Should I Receive? Most people begin with a series of 8-12 colonics at weekly intervals, depending on their condition. Some may elect to do 2-3 colonics a week initially to clear their system, or to break up a bound condition. Most first-timers participate in a 12-week program consisting of 12 colonics. To sustain a healthy colon, we suggest a maintenance program, generally one or two colonics a month along with healthy eating habits. All of our bodies and body systems are different and ACM can help you plan out a program that addresses your individual needs.
Congratulations on your first colonic session!
Thank you for entrusting us with your health and wellbeing.
After Your Colonic Session:
What to Eat: Some use a colonic series to launch a fast, most use colonics to begin a cleansing program, one that is continuous, often combined with a “change of lifestyle” program. ACM believes in good nutrition, as in “the closer to nature one stays on the food chain the better it is.” This means cutting back, or better still, eliminating refined foods like white sugar, flour, milk, chemicals, additives and preservatives. Avoid eating heavy meats. After a colonic session, especially those done in succession, which is recommended, we prefer you eat and/or drink the following: Steamed/Pureed Vegetables (No broccoli, cabbage and Brussel sprouts) Fruit or Vegetable Juices Broth Style Soups Fruit Smoothies made with a non-dairy additive Any kind of baked or grilled fish or seafood, No heavy Meats Bottled Water Herbal Teas
Introduction to your LIBBE Colonic Table:
You and your therapist will enter a private therapy room to discuss your history form and any concerns you may have. The therapist instructs the client on how to correctly position yourself on the table and explains how to insert the small rectal tube and then leaves the room.
The client then undresses from the waist down and gently and easily inserts the LIBBE Rectal Tube or cleansing nozzle, (which is about the size of a soda straw), and covers themselves with the disposable drape provided for the session. The rectal tubes are single use and are properly disposed of after use. Insertion of the rectal tube SHOULD NEVER BE PAINFUL! As soon as you are ready, ring the bell for the therapist to reenter. She will then explain the process and begin your session. She will start a gentle slow rate of purified, temperature safe water which is fed from the gravity fed column. Less than six gallons of water is used during the session.
Water flows through a Carbon Filter which removes any sediment, rust, or chlorine. The water is then purified by an Ultra Violet – Water Purification System before it passes through the rectal tube or cleansing nozzle. Water temperatures are at a safe 98-105°F and can be adjusted accordingly. Temperature and pressure are closely monitored and can be varied to stimulate peristalsis (muscular contraction) in the colon.
Once the session begins, you will feel a gentle flow of warm water enter your colon creating an urge to eliminate. Know that you are always in control and can stop your water flow at any time. When you feel this, hold the water as long as you can, then push out as if you are having bowel movement. This will help strengthen the colon through peristalsis. The more water you hold, the more hydrated the system becomes and the better the release. You are going to repeat this process for approximately 45 minutes. While the water is infused into the large intestine, dislodging fecal matter, bacteria, mucus, and other toxins.
The dislodged fecal matter is gently washed away though the system’s drain. Peristalsis also promotes other organ systems to release toxins into the blood stream to be excreted through bowel elimination. There is minimal stress and effort on the part of the individual as the constant water flow assists the body function. The procedure is odorless, gentle, comfortable, and painless. No chemicals or drugs are involved and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective. In most cases, it takes 8-12 treatments to remove sufficient buildup of accumulated tar-like substances.
We also incorporate an infrared massager and bio-mat to assist the cleansing process. Also, we have found that a session in the infrared sauna aids in elimination. Your therapist will check on you intermittently throughout your session, and remember, you are in control and may call for your therapist at any time. There are no stupid questions.
An Odor Exhaust System ensures that the session room and entire center remains totally odor free. Feces releases naturally into the LIBBE base or table which has a clear viewing tube that allows the client and/or the therapist to easily view the feces during releases. A trained colon therapist is always nearby to monitor and provide client assistance and comfort as needed. A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse off after the session. The session lasts approximately 45 minutes with the client’s modesty protected at all times.
The therapist instructs the client how to correctly position themselves on the table, and explains how to insert the small rectal tube and then leaves the room. The client undresses from the waist down and gently and easily inserts the LIBBE Rectal Tube or cleansing nozzle, (which is about the size of a pencil), and covers themselves with the disposable drape provided for the session. The rectal tubes are single use and are properly disposed of after use. Insertion of the rectal tube SHOULD NEVER BE PAINFUL!
When the client is ready, they press a call button. The therapist enters the room and starts a gentle slow rate of purified, temperature safe water which is fed from the gravity fed column. Less than six gallons of water is used during the session. Water flows through a Carbon Filter which removes any sediment, rust, or chlorine. The water is then purified by an Ultra Violet – Water Purification System before it passes through the rectal tube or cleansing nozzle. Water temperatures are held within a safe 98-105°F range. Temperature and pressure are closely monitored and can be slightly varied to stimulate peristalsis (muscular contraction) in the colon.
During the session, the client comfortably lies on a colonic table while the water is infused into the large intestine, dislodging fecal matter, bacteria, mucus, and other Toxins. The dislodged fecal matter is gently washed away though the system’s drain. Peristalsis also promotes other organ systems to release toxins into the blood stream to be excreted through bowel elimination. There is minimal stress and effort on the part of the individual as the constant water flow assists the body function. The procedure is odorless, gentle, comfortable, and painless. No chemicals or drugs are involved and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective. In most cases, it takes 8-12 treatments to remove sufficient buildup of accumulated tar-like substances.
An Odor Exhaust System ensures that the session room and entire center remains totally odor free. Feces releases naturally into the LIBBE base or table which has a clear viewing tube that allows the client and/or the therapist to easily view the feces during releases. A trained colon therapist is always nearby to monitor and provide client assistance and comfort as needed. A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse off after the session. The session lasts approximately 45 minutes with the client’s modesty protected at all times. After each session, the unit is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected with hospital grade disinfectant in preparation for future use.
Today’s colonic technology promotes both the safety and sanitation of this cleansing practice. Modern colon hydrotherapy equipment is manufactured in compliance with strict FDA guidelines. The FDA registered colonic equipment is manufactured in compliance with strict FDA guidelines and features temperature-controlled water mixing, back flow prevention valves, pressure and temperature sensors, and a built-in chemical sanitizing and water purification unit.